About us

The Amatruda family is attested as paper producer from several centuries. The demonstration of this can be found looking to their most ancient filigree with the wording “Amatrulo” at the bottom of the symbol, that includes three Angevin lilies. This demonstrates that the Amatruda family already produced paper during the domination of Angevins in the “Kingdom of the two Sicilies” (1282-1442).

The Amatruda production is conformed to the “requirements for the maximum permanency and durability” (UNI 10332) and is worked according to the old craftmanships tradition. Every sheet is produced singularly with natural fringing on all its sides, keeping the print of the wool felts. It is soft to touch and has a clearness of plot which assures a high quality level for alluses.



The raw materials used are cotton or cellulose TCF with neuter Ph which is not processed either with chemical substances or with bleachings and is certified FSC, brand which allows consumers to identify, purchase and use forest products from well-managed forests, with the security that you are not contributing to the destruction of the world’s forests.